Vautour charognard

Le vautour charognard, nous voyons beaucoup de ces oiseaux en Gambie. Habituellement, lors de nos visites régulières promenades sur la plage to Sanyang on Sundays. There is usually a dead fish, turtle or some such thing and guaranteed anything from one to thirty vultures eagerly ripping at the carcus.

Informations sur les oiseaux.

Où peut-on voir un vautour charognard ?

The Hooded vultures pictured above were photographié at the quarry on the way to the beach and approximately midway between us and Sanyang. You can expect to find them anywhere there is a dead and rotting fish or animal.

À quoi ressemble un vautour charognard ?

It is a scruffy-looking, small vulture with dark brown plumage, a long thin bill, bare crown, face and fore-neck, and a downy nape and hind-neck. Its face is usually a light red colour. The hooded vulture is a typical vulture, with a head that is usually pinkish-white, but flushes red when agitated and a grey to black “hood”. It has fairly uniform dark brown body plumage and broad wings for soaring with short tail feathers. This is one of the smaller Old World vultures.

They are 62–72 cm long, have a 155–180 cm wingspan and a body weight of 1.5–2.6 kg. Both sexes appear alike, although females often have longer eyelashes than males. Juveniles look like adults, only darker and plainer, and body feathers have a purplish sheen. Source Wikipédia

De quoi se nourrit-il?

Tout ce qui est mort et aussi parfois sur des insectes comme les termites lorsqu'ils émergent en grand nombre.

Vous voulez connaître un Factoid intéressant?

It is critically endangered in most of the world except, in West Africa the biggest numbers are found right here in The Gambia.

Comment ça sonne?

Ils ne font pas beaucoup de bruit, mais ils ont une sorte de sifflement lors de l'attelage.

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