The Gambia’s wildlife

Western Red Colobus Monkey.

Western Red Colobus

The Western Red Colobus Monkey, I really love these fellas. They grow to about 18 to 26 inches and have a slightly longer tail (approx 28 inches) With an average weight of 14 lbs, a large male can be as much as 24lbs. As we can see from the photos below they have a beautiful reddish-brown […]

Western Red Colobus Monkey. Read More »

Spiders in The Gambia.


The spiders in The Gambia are much like anywhere else in the world. I have never come across any poisonous ones like the kind you hear about in Australia. Whenever I think of spiders I’m reminded of a poem my Mum used to sing to me. “The incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout, down came

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Crocodiles or Alligators

Reptiles - Crocodile-Gambia

Are they crocodiles or Alligators, I suppose we should get that bit right before we go further. There is a difference but most don’t know how to tell them apart. They are both scary as hell right. While they do share many of the same features, they couldn’t be any more different. Alligators have a

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