Special offers for Footsteps in The Gambia

Special holiday offers for Gambia

The Gambia special offers below are updated regularly, so check in often and don’t miss your next holiday deal.

Holiday offers for 2024 and 2025

We all love special offers, don’t we?

Imagine a deserted golden sandy beach. A warm breeze blows through your hair. The sun on your face. Nothing but the melodic sounds of birdsong and the gentle ebb and flow of The Atlantic Ocean in the air. This could be you!

In just six short hours this could be your reality. You could be enjoying a fresh fruit smoothy in one of our hammocks, marvelling at the array of colourful birds and wildlife and experiencing the culture of The Smiling Coast of West Africa!

Create memories that will last a lifetime!

Gambia holiday deals
Gambia special holiday offers
Gambia holiday offers

All stays of 14 nights and over attract FREE AIRPORT TRANSFERS saving you £60.00

Holiday deals for 2024

Book with no deposit and get 20 % off your holiday for the dates below!

20% off room rate

Between December 6th & 17th get a 20% discount on your roundhouse accommodation at Footsteps Eco Lodge. See you in the sunshine!

6 Dec 2024 – 17 Dec 2024

Did you know:

  • The Gambia shares the same time zone as Europe. This means breakfast at home and afternoon snacks around the pool at Footsteps with the added bonus of starting your holiday without jet lag!
  • While Europe’s winter bites hard between November and April, Gambia has continuous sunshine ten hours a day with an average daytime temperature of 30 degrees. A superb winter sun vacation, so pack your sun cream and flip-flops!
  • English is the first language of Gambia and it’s spoken everywhere in the country making it easy to chat with everyone
  • Locals in The Gambia are among the friendliest people anywhere in the world. This is why it’s affectionately known as ‘The Smiling Coast’.
  • We have well over 500 species of birds and a diverse collection of wildlife.
  • And an extensive range of on and off-site activities to suit all tastes 😀
Gambia special offers
Cool off in our eco-pool 😉

A/ We won’t be beaten on price.

B/ If you find a better deal, we’ll price match & discount it by 5%.

C/ Book your next Gambia vacation today with no deposit, nothing to pay until one month before travel & a full refund guarantee up to 2 weeks before travel.

"Simple as ABC", start planning your holiday today with Footsteps Eco-lodge!

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