Reptiles of The Gambia

Reptiles are fascinating creatures that can be found in abundance in the beautiful country of Gambia. With its diverse landscape of riverbanks, forests, and savannahs, Gambia provides a variety of habitats for these reptiles to thrive. From snakes to lizards to turtles, the country is home to a rich array of reptilian species that play important roles in the ecosystem.

West African Crocodile

One of the most iconic reptiles found in Gambia is the West African Crocodile. Crocodilus suchus

These large and powerful predators can be seen lurking in the waters of the Gambia River and its tributaries. West African Crocodiles are known for their ambush hunting style, patiently waiting for their prey to come close before launching a swift and powerful attack.

Tourists visiting Gambia are often thrilled to catch a glimpse of these formidable reptiles basking in the sun along the riverbanks or gliding smoothly through the water.

Monitor Lizard

Another common reptile found in Gambia is the monitor lizard. These lizards are known for their long bodies, sharp claws, and forked tongues. They are skilled hunters and scavengers, preying on insects, small mammals, birds, and eggs.

Monitor lizards can be found throughout Gambia, from the forests to the savannahs, and are often spotted basking in the sun or foraging for food among the vegetation. Tourists and locals alike are often amused by the sight of these curious creatures roaming around and exploring their surroundings.


Snakes also play a significant role in Gambia’s reptile population. A variety of snake species can be found in the country, ranging from harmless sand snakes to venomous vipers. One of the most well-known snake species in Gambia is the Black-necked spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis), its neurotoxin doesn’t affect humans much so isn´t regarded as so dangerous. However, The Puff Adder is highly venomous and caution is advised when exploring the forests and bushlands of Gambia to avoid potential snake bites.

Learn about all of Gambia´s snakes on a half-day excursion to The Snake Farm at Kartong.

Bells Hinged Back Tortoise

The Bells Back Hinged Tortoise (Kinixis Belliana) is another reptile that can be found in Gambia. Bell’s hinged-back tortoise is relatively small and has a shell that can close on the backside

The Bells Back Hinged Tortoise are omnivores and also eat worms and slugs

They can be seen if you are very lucky slowly moving across the forest, grazing on vegetation and basking in the sun. These peaceful creatures are a delight for tourists and locals, and efforts are being made to protect their populations in Gambia.

House Gecko

The Gambia is also home to a variety of gecko species, including the common house gecko (tarentola ephippiata). These small lizards are often found in and around human habitation, feeding on insects and seeking shelter in buildings.

House geckos are easily recognizable by their flattened bodies, large eyes, and sticky toe pads that enable them to climb walls and ceilings with ease. They are valued for their role in controlling insect populations and are considered beneficial to have around homes and gardens.

Ecological importance

In addition to their ecological importance, reptiles in Gambia also hold cultural significance for the local population. Some reptiles are revered in traditional beliefs and myths, while others are used in traditional medicine and rituals. For example, the Gambian cobra (Naja katiensis) is considered sacred in some communities and is associated with protection and healing powers. Remedies made from snake venom and other parts are believed to have mystical properties and are used in ceremonial practices.


Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the long-term survival of Gambia’s reptile populations. Habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict pose significant threats to these reptiles, and it is essential to implement effective conservation measures to protect them. Education, research, and community involvement are key components of conservation initiatives aimed at preserving Gambia’s diverse reptilian species for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.


Overall, the reptiles of Gambia contribute to the country’s rich biodiversity and are a source of fascination and wonder for residents and visitors alike. Whether it’s the powerful Nile crocodile, the agile monitor lizard, the venomous cobra, or the gentle tortoise, each reptile plays a unique role in the ecosystem and adds to the natural beauty of Gambia’s environment. By valuing and protecting these remarkable creatures, we can help ensure a harmonious coexistence between humans and reptiles in this captivating West African nation.

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