Senegal coucal is a member of the cuckoo species. Found as the name suggests in Senegal but also much of central and Southern Africa. A daily visitor to Footsteps and not shy so any old camera will get a great close-up shot. Pictures below are by lil ol me!
I can’t help being reminded of the Omen movies looking at this bird’s remarkable red eyes also head and beak structure give it a distinctive bird of prey look.

Where is Senegal coucal found?
It is widespread throughout central and southern Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Their range extends from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia and Kenya in the east, also from Angola and Congo to the south. A separate population in southern Africa is centred on Zambia, Zimbabwe and northern Botswana. The Senegal coucal is a bird of grassy habitats with trees, such as bushes and savannah. Source Wikipedia
In Gambia this delightful bird is widespread and fairly common in forest interiors.
What does it look like?
This medium-sized bird measures up at approximately 39 cm. Its crown, nape and upper parts, bill, legs and long tail are all black. Eyes, however, are a Damian shade of red. Its wings are chestnut brown and its underbelly is a creamy white with black/grey barring on the flanks.
What does it feed on?
They feed mainly on insects and caterpillars but will also eat small frogs and lizards
Want to know an interesting Factoid?
Related to the Cuckoo this bird is also related to The Road Runner, BEEP BEEP… That’s all folks!
How does it sound?
It announces its arrival with an impressively loud Ook Ook Ook Cal